Feelings are overrated ! part 2 by Merlie


The parable of the two sons

“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, Son, go and work today in the vineyard.”

“I will not, ‘ he answered , but later he changes his mind and went. “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered,’ I will, sir,’ but he did not go.

“Which of the two did what his father wanted?”

“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.  Mathew 21: 28-31[NIV] 

Jesus was speaking to the chief priests and elders who were the most religious people of the time and questioning his authority.

This parable is so realistic and all of us can relate to it to some degree. Firstly , I know that I can be like both sons. I can say I won’t do something because I don’t feel like it at the time but later change my mind. Also it can go the other way around, where I can say I will do something but then change my mind because I no longer feel like it. What about you ? It simply goes to show that if we want, we can choose to do the right thing even if we don’t feel like it at all. Likewise, I have done wrong things even though I did not feel like it. The choice is ours, even when it’s not easy.

It makes no difference to God who you are, a choice can change that. Prostitutes and tax collectors were making better choices, entering into heaven. You would think that the religious ones would have done better, since they were to know better. One would assume the tax collectors and prostitutes feelings were unhealthier, negative , wrong in comparison to the religious ones. However, if you read the text, full chapter, it would also appear to me by the behavior of the religious ones that some of their feelings were prideful and pride won’t get you anywhere good, especially Heaven.

Wrong is wrong, no matter how you feel. Right is right whether you feel like it or not. People commit adultery, crimes, and mistreat people because of feelings. It’s okay to feel, please feel don’t be dead! learn to use it, express it, enjoy it, don’t let it be your master. It will take time, error, trials, testings. 

I have heard ‘don’t make decisions when you are angry’. I think maybe its best not to make any decisions , especially permanent, final decisions when we are too emotional, feeling too much. I have also heard Joyce Meyer whom I love , say ‘do the right thing and your feelings will catch up to you’ . As I think of your feelings will catch up , let me tell you, that is true! Whether the choice was right or wrong. When I have chosen wrong bad feelings surely have followed and right feelings followed the right choice. I thank God for grace in those times.

I am so glad I have GOD to help me and by his grace he also has given me people to care for me if I’m willing to listen to advice . Who do you have?

In part 1 of this blog/devotion/sermonette/encouragement/ whatever you want to call it. I shared that Jesus wanted his boys with him when he was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow.  Please, see it’s a good thing, to have the people that you know care about you, into your life. They can be heaven sent at times, stopping you from pursuing wrong feelings. Encouraging you to have good ones.

If you feel like you have no one in your corner. I want you to know, that you have Jesus in your corner. Let him be your coach, in the ring, his Holy Spirit will discern the punches [feelings] that are coming at you from the devil. He will also discern the ones you can take , show you how to handle them, and respond. He knows how you can win every round [ feelings] even if you take some hits. He knows how to get you the victory. Help you be the champion, be more than a conqueror.

I leave you with this verse but please make time to read whole chapter, it will bless you.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 [NIV]

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths  straight .

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