Feelings are overrated! part 1 by Merlie


The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.

Who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:9 [NIV]

I feel I Love you. I feel like I don ‘t love you.

I think I want this . I don’t think I want this.

In a world where you are encouraged and told follow your heart, please take a pause and use caution before you proceed. I’m not saying your heart is wrong all the time but sometimes it is. Check your track record if you have always followed it, can you honestly say it has always worked out for you?  I’m sure some of us, who have lived longer and learned from mistakes are possibly grateful, that we did not do everything we felt to do.

You can sincerely be happy for someone one day and envy them the next day. You can feel compassion for people and sometimes have no compassion. I can have a strong desire to do something one day and the next day the desire can be gone. I can be confident and in a second that confidence can disappear. I can feel loved and then feel unloved.

What is that ? have you ever asked yourself why your emotions can changed and you can feel so many things about the same issue or topic ? Are you ready for the news? It’s a shocker ! here it goes.

FEELINGS ARE NOT PERMANENT! they are in essence overrated. Is it wrong to feel? NOOOO. It’s beautiful, it’s wonderful, It’s painful, sometimes indescribable. However they are fickle, so don’t trust them. Let’s learn to use them , to handle them. It is absolutely easier said than done but it can be done. You grow a little every time you learn to control them.

I want to direct you to the scripture above it says your heart is beyond cure, Who can understand it? the answer to that, if you don’t know is God.

He created your heart, your feelings , he has the manual, the recipe for it’s healing.

Believe me or not when I tell you God knows and understands feelings, your feelings. Jesus relates and experienced the reality of them.

Hebrews 12: 3 

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Don’t think for 1 minute that opposition Jesus endured was without feelings Infact, there is a passages in scripture that tears at my heart when I read.     Mathew 26:36-46. please make time and read for yourself but I will share the verse that gets me the most are these 37-38, In particular where he says “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Jesus sorrow felt like death , think about it, have you consider that. I feel I can’t handle it when I think on it. It makes me feel overwhelmed . If you deal with depression, you probably understand more than others, but also those of us who grieve, mourn a loss can get the picture a bit. I imagine his was beyond all of ours put together.

Please know, I have no intention of making you sad, or depress. I do however, want you to realize that’s how loved you are. YES . He loves you right now. He took everything so you won’t have to. He endured the pain for  the beauty of love ,of life, he wants you to have.

My favorite life scripture as I call it is John 10:10, I imagine I will write it a lot in this site possibly. It talks about the enemy coming to take everything from you by stealing, killing and destroying but the better half of verse says Jesus , THAT HIS PURPOSE of coming is to GIVE Life Abundantly .

I love that , I hope that promise encourages you.

I don’t always feel great about my life but I know I have a great life .

I have what matters the most first GOD. May I encourage you not to measure the greatness of your life by how you feel , all the things you don’t have and even by things[possesions] you may have but firstly who you have. Relationships matter more, having good people you relate to, people that love you, including you, loving yourself.  Back to the Mathew scripture that is the next lesson that can be learned from Jesus, when he was going through the sorrow he wanted his boys, his friends, buddies with him.

He said ” stay here and keep watch with me”, unfortunately they fell asleep and did not keep watch. Jesus was as human as we are. When I am going through something even if at times I don’t feel like having company. I know I need the company because its the comfort, the love ,prayers, the words of encouragement and wisdom that are the only things that help me through at times. We all need that even when we don’t feel like it. 

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