Jesus I love your name by Merlie


I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. 12 While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. John17 : 11-12 [NIV]

He has been given the name above all names. WOW!

I wonder how much time we take just to think about his name. Yes I know we sing about his name and rightly so, but do we truly meditate on it often?

I must admit I don’t do it enough myself , however I am no fool I use his name always in prayer. Do you atleast do that? He does say in

John 14:14 You may ask me for anything in myname, and I will do it.

Just to be clear by that it does not mean ask anything outside of God’s will. Someone that truly loves you won’t give you things that will destroy you. Even if you ask for it ,instead they will do their best not to give you that but give you other options that are best. So almighty God and our Lord Jesus are no different. There are more verses about asking in his name I encourage you to find them and believe it.

If you read the first verse John 17:11-12 does it encourage you to know that its a promise for you that the name of Jesus has power to protect you?

All those that look to him, entrust themselves to him are protected by his name. Maybe you have heard of families that no one would think of messing with, offending them, because of their name showing who’s they are. Well likewise some of us may not come from families with names that carry prestige, power, or much significance to others in society other than our family. But I thank God now that I can carry, associate myself with and I do belong to a Name that is above all names. The name of Jesus.

I’m loved by the person with that name more than anyone will ever love me. He gave his life for me and also gave me his name. Don’t you want a name that means so much ? We get named at birth, most of us , however I have heard a sad story of an unnamed baby. We are named when we are adopted. There is change of name when we are married if we are women to take on our husbands name, which I did. Sometimes change our birth names if we prefer another. My dad and my husband gave me their names and I have proudly used it, because I love them both dearly. However I tell you  I have a greater love than both of them combined and his name I don’t ever want to change or get rid off in anyway. I am still learning to wear, carry and use it right and honorably.

Names means something. However there is one name that is greater than any and all names, the name of Jesus. How I need to be more greatful for his name and give it the proper respect it deserves , I fail at that many times.

Thank God his love is greater than my faults, so I’ve been forgiven at the cross when he took all my sins. So everyday I wake up I get opportunity to say thank you Jesus. I don’t know what thoughts are in your mind as you read , but may I atleast have the privilege to tell you that you can find love,forgiveness, peace, rest, protection , hope and answers when you come to know the person of Jesus .Who will willingly share all the privileges he has and gets with his name. The best thing to get is the connection to his father.

If today you need assurance, encouragement of some sort or inspiration, I hope that in the name of Jesus you receive that in whatever form he desires to give it to you. Don’t be afraid to call on his name, he does listen when he hears you asking for him. Sometimes I may not be able to tell him much vocally. So everything I have to say is said by just saying his name. I say his name when I’m happy, sad, broken, relief ,desperate, confused and for many other reasons.  Somehow because of who he is, he knows and understands the distinction of my calling out to him. I love that about him.

He is truly amazing and whatever most incredible word that can be used to describe greatness, he is all that and more ,words can’t fully describe him.

He is indescribable but none the less we must give it our best shot !

psalm 107 :2  let  the redeemed of the Lord tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,

God bless you and encourage you in a special, unique or unexpected way today in Jesus name. Amen

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