You bring me Joy by Merlie


You have put more joy in my heart 

than they have when their grain and wine abound. psalm 4:7 [ESV]

It’s my son’s birthday October 25th 2018 as I write this post. Happy Birthday my boy , my baby.

Eleven years ago you came in our lives ,your dad and mine’s. I will never forget this blessing to be your mommy. I prayed for you, it was a challenging pregnancy and you received the name Victor cause you got the victory. God gave you the victory of life. I remember being at the hospital and being told there was no pulse, doctor’s thought I no longer had a baby in there and were ready to clean me out but I believed you were there.

I said or asked to be checked again , they were hesitant but reluctantly called another doctor to hear and they heard this faint beat of a pulse I believe, so they changed their mind, but really I CHANGED MY MIND . They did not intentionally mean any harm but I was not about to let them say nothing was there.  Clean you out [D&C] while God was still letting you live inside of mommy and be sent home broken hearted , hopeless. Unfortunately another young woman was there experiencing the same thing and she believed what was told to her and went with that. I feel for her, it felt like we were just numbers they needed to process , take care of . My heart breaks for those that don’t have the best care possible or someone to care more for them , go the extra mile .

ALL I needed was that little bit of hope and I’m glad I took it, and got the courage to hold on. I don’t know who she is but hours before I was seen at the county hospital. When waiting, an angel [stranger] who I met there and had a bit of a chat with, came over to me, placed her hand on my belly and prayed in Spanish . I can’t remember her prayer in detail but I know God listened to her, and she looked at me and said with conviction ,” NO LO VAS A PERDER, NO VAS A PERDER ESE BEBE”. She told me I was not going to lose my baby!

Glory to God , she was right! Thank you God for her.

The doctor had no answers from the X-ray, he had never seen anything like that,  it looked like a sausage to me. I know now it was not normal, they didn’t know what it meant, or what it was. If it was the bleeding or twins making it look like that. Well, God knew all along , how it would turn out.

Victory was inside of me . Victor was going to come. God had decided and nothing was going to stop it. God brought me Joy. I think about joy when I think about you , you are filled with it. I love that when you pray it’s about enjoying your day ,your life. I’ve had to pause and think on that.

Joy is rare, sincere Joy in this world that seems to be getting darker is priceless, a gift, a blessing. I pray God you protect joy inside of him. That the devil, life and it’s troubles won’t rob him of it, in Jesus name.

He is just 1 of my joys you have given me lord. Jesus is in the business of joy.

I hope you have joy dear reader, find joy in life, in love, in things you do.

You don’t need to win the lotto for joy. You can have joy eating simple rice and beans, drinking water. You can find joy the moment you wake up because you are alive.

Let’s not have our circumstances determine our joy. Let’s not depend on people for our joy. Don’t give your joy away because of bad news, it won’t last. Life is like a roller coaster, up, down , circle, twirls, sudden stops, sudden changes, sudden lifts, sudden drops, falls, and loops you don’t expect .

I DON’T LIKE roller coaster rides at all and find absolutely no joy in it. I hate the feeling I get in my gut when it’s dropping, falling. No matter how hard I try to shut my mouth and press my teeth in together tightly , there is gnashing of teeth. However, I was thinking I would rather have gnashing of teeth on a roller coaster than you know where [HELL] ! lol. My boys get a thrill from it. My hubby and my son love it. Keep me grounded please. However the roller coaster of life , we are all on it so we might as well enjoy it. ON life the roller coaster ,we get options unlike the ride at parks, where you never have a choice of anything once you are on it. On life  you get to be part of the design and can choose your response when SUDDEN decides to show up. You learn how to ride it and it’s up to you to choose the direction where you want it to go. I have to make the decision over and over again to choose to enjoy my life.

Wherever you are if you have the freedom, even if in prison find joy in something I pray . 

You make known to me the path of life;

In your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 [ESV]

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