Praying, by Merlie


Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 [NLT]

Has any prayer you ever prayed been answered?

I do enjoy prayer, I love to pray. It helps me in many ways. It makes me depend on a power greater than my own. It teaches me patience, trust , and to have an open mind. It allows me to express my heart, thoughts and emotions. It helps me not worry, and changes my view on things .

I learn to be thankful in praying. It helps me be selfless cause I pray on behalf of others. I learn to surrender through prayer. I gain wisdom when the Holy Spirit takes over. I am thankful that many of them are not answered when I benefit from God’s protection. He protects me from myself cause he knows what to give me that won’t destroy me.

I have prayed all kinds of prayers. I have prayed when Im happy and when I’ve been down.  I’ve prayed in sickness and in health . When I’ve had a lot or had almost nothing . It’s good for my soul to WANT THE LORD all times. I am still learning to pray. The word of God teaches me to pray.

I learn to pray God’s will by studying what matters to him. Jesus himself put such a high priority on his prayer life , and he was Divine. Who I’m I to think I need it less . Praying in detail has been one of my best lessons I have learned about prayer. I use the word of God to teach me about prayer styles and imitate them. God has blessed my  desire, diligence to learn.

I’m not saying everything you pray you will get. I am saying you pray and you trust God who knows best, and all things for the result. Trust him to direct your prayers, pleas, requests, cries, questions and answer you in the best way and as he wishes. I’ve learned and still learning more to trust his silence. When you know someone’s character and their love for you,  you trust they have good intentions for you. Ive had to come to know God and as I grow in knowing him , I trust him more. 

I know he only has good intended for me and not evil. The prayers answered and unanswered have shown me how much God loves me.

I don’t have to know all about prayer in order to pray. God always meets us where we are. I’m so grateful that he accepts and welcomes me how I come.

Today If you need prayer, just pray. The power is in the person you pray to. I pray to a God who is real and has all the power to respond. I pray in Jesus name that brings things to life. I pray not my will but his be done. I just pray for help cause I always need it. I pray for his healing of my mind, body, heart and soul. Only he can make me well and whole .

I pray to learn to truly Love cause without it, is like dying while living.

I don’t know much, but I know that one reason I’m here is because of prayer. So in closing I thank God for anyone who has ever prayed and is praying for me. Thank you for any prayer for my good , believe me when I tell you. God has and is still processing your prayer. I’m learning to trust his timing. So, today I want to tell you that some of your prayers are still in process, trust the timing.

When he does not answer , usually the order [prayer] you put in,  is not ready, still processing or he will update and upgrade it.

God bless you, and answer you in his wisdom in Jesus name.

Philippians 1: 19 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. [NLT]

Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about EVERYTHING. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. [NLT]

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